Wide range of functionality:
Better servicing needs, industry specific solutions

User-friendly, ergonomic interface:
High usability through intuitive operation

Scalable, multi-client, multi-language,web capability and mobile applications:
Worldwide business, easy integration of affiliated companies,
partners, customers, suppliers, full access and utilization over web and mobile devices

Easily updated:
Upgrade-proof modifications, reduced release upgrades costs

BI and pivot features:
Built-in fast, simple and smart analyses

Complete process integration and a unified system:
Numerous modules – a complete system, high transparency, streamlined and simple processes,
faster information, consistent data and high process stability

Platform independence and multi-platform capability:
Vendor-independent, freedom to choose from different databases and operating systems,
high independence and investment security, reduced IT costs

TROIA, an open-source, object-oriented development environment:
High flexibility through quick, self-made adjustments

Open system architecture:
Easy integration with third-party systems, ability to access all data fields within the caniasERP interface

Satisfied customers:
”Through the introduction of caniasERP, we have achieved an increase in productivity of about 40%.
That is an outstanding result for us!” (Customer testimonial)